Motes of Harmony, Dread Shard(Klaxxi Rep), Windwool Cloth - MMOCrawlerbots | WoW Bot Forum
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Author Topic: Motes of Harmony, Dread Shard(Klaxxi Rep), Windwool Cloth  (Read 1005 times)

October 04, 2013, 03:54:48 AM

Runmedic Offline

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Farming this location for 3 hours: 
Toon : Warlock (Destruction)
Pet: Void Lord
56 Motes of harmony
44 Dread Amber Shards(Klaxxi Rep)
430  Windwool Cloth
Lots of Random Greens for Disenchanters.

Start Point is the Statue at 35,76 coords.

Let me know if you like it.

January 30, 2014, 05:49:32 AM
Reply #1

c0rupted Offline

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All he does is sit there and spam.

Code: [Select]
[21:48:33] - Grinding Mode started!
[21:48:35] - Found 1 steps
[21:48:35] - Load Step: 1
[21:48:35] - Start Grinding from 89 - 91
[21:48:35] - Building Grind Path...
[21:48:35] - 1: -1266.349976 4140.479980 59.274300
[21:48:35] - 2: -1289.459961 4124.759766 62.334999
[21:48:35] - 3: -1305.920044 4210.290039 56.174999
[21:48:35] - 4: -1310.229980 4223.930176 50.176998
[21:48:35] - 5: -1301.319946 4237.169922 51.617001
[21:48:35] - 6: -1285.869995 4241.290039 56.613998
[21:48:35] - 7: -1268.800049 4239.450195 58.382999
[21:48:35] - 8: -1249.699951 4242.819824 61.006001
[21:48:35] - 9: -1231.800049 4247.279785 61.006001
[21:48:35] - 10: -1217.449951 4257.169922 61.006001
[21:48:35] - 11: -1200.650024 4261.899902 57.179001
[21:48:35] - 12: -1183.939941 4266.669922 41.200401
[21:48:35] - 13: -1168.790039 4268.720215 50.228001
[21:48:35] - 14: -1154.699951 4271.169922 42.129002
[21:48:35] - 15: -1135.180054 4268.660156 37.983002
[21:48:35] - 16: -1119.900024 4265.299805 30.705999
[21:48:35] - 17: -1105.579956 4264.029785 21.264999
[21:48:35] - 18: -1089.219971 4268.850098 15.673000
[21:48:35] - 19: -1074.709961 4270.470215 11.439000
[21:48:35] - 20: -1059.290039 4267.689941 8.013000
[21:48:35] - 21: -1043.780029 4264.049805 5.185000
[21:48:35] - 22: -1034.729980 4251.640137 4.210000
[21:48:35] - 23: -1027.770020 4238.479980 3.337000
[21:48:35] - 24: -1032.339966 4223.189941 1.927000
[21:48:35] - 25: -1039.160034 4209.500000 1.652000
[21:48:35] - 26: -1046.290039 4195.209961 3.617000
[21:48:35] - 27: -1053.079956 4181.609863 4.223000
[21:48:35] - 28: -1058.310059 4163.100098 10.554000
[21:48:35] - 29: -1064.640015 4136.750000 6.672840
[21:48:35] - 30: -1066.670044 4136.299805 6.972840
[21:48:35] - 31: -1075.680054 4125.160156 13.233100
[21:48:35] - 32: -1082.449951 4119.029785 15.633100
[21:48:35] - 33: -1092.050049 4118.810059 23.133101
[21:48:35] - 34: -1093.650024 4123.229980 25.833099
[21:48:35] - 35: -1092.989990 4126.310059 27.333099
[21:48:35] - 36: -1075.560059 4150.220215 24.333099
[21:48:35] - 37: -1078.069946 4141.640137 31.493999
[21:48:35] - 38: -1093.760010 4133.390137 31.886000
[21:48:35] - 39: -1103.380005 4122.520020 36.026001
[21:48:35] - 40: -1107.380005 4105.470215 32.740002
[21:48:35] - 41: -1117.280029 4090.429932 32.351002
[21:48:35] - 42: -1125.719971 4079.060059 27.219999
[21:48:35] - 43: -1137.709961 4068.459961 25.507999
[21:48:35] - 44: -1144.829956 4060.760010 30.633101
[21:48:35] - 45: -1150.939941 4061.000000 34.118000
[21:48:35] - 46: -1160.949951 4066.790039 44.952999
[21:48:35] - 47: -1169.420044 4078.590088 52.763000
[21:48:35] - 48: -1162.930054 4095.639893 54.651001
[21:48:35] - 49: -1155.380005 4108.709961 55.025002
[21:48:35] - 50: -1147.449951 4122.430176 53.523998
[21:48:35] - 51: -1139.959961 4135.399902 52.505001
[21:48:35] - 52: -1144.770020 4152.689941 53.666000
[21:48:35] - 53: -1152.270020 4165.919922 55.574001
[21:48:35] - 54: -1162.439941 4178.129883 55.710999
[21:48:35] - 55: -1173.079956 4188.990234 56.900002
[21:48:35] - 56: -1189.910034 4195.600098 57.337002
[21:48:35] - 57: -1203.150024 4189.339844 57.909000
[21:48:35] - 58: -1217.229980 4181.600098 59.063000
[21:48:35] - 59: -1231.280029 4173.879883 59.235001
[21:48:35] - 60: -1244.619995 4166.549805 57.486000
[21:48:35] - 61: -1257.180054 4159.649902 70.559998
[21:48:35] - 62: -1255.329956 4159.229980 58.820000
[21:48:35] - 63: -1267.910034 4143.359863 59.433102
[21:48:35] - 64: -1266.349976 4140.479980 59.274300
[21:48:35] - NavigateShort Started
[21:48:35] - Path Generated!
[21:48:35] - Underwater check done!
[21:48:38] - Set target
[21:48:38] - Pull: Pet Attack
[21:48:40] - Pull: Axe Toss
[21:48:40] - Pull: Curse of Elements
[21:48:40] - Set Facing!
[21:48:40] - Pull: Corruption
[21:48:40] - Call Fight()
[21:48:40] - Run regenerate.lua!
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Reading "Reg.ini".
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: HP limit: 70
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Mana limit: 70
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Using heals: YES
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Automatic heal selection: YES
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Could not determine a viable heal spell, disabling heal spell use.
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Using food/drink: YES
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Automatic food selection: YES
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Using food: 88379
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: Using drink: 81414
[21:48:40] - [Reg]: No regeneration needed.
[21:48:40] - done regenerate.lua!
[21:48:42] - Pull: Pet Attack
[21:48:43] - Pull: Axe Toss
[21:48:43] - Pull: Curse of Elements
[21:48:44] - Pull: Corruption
[21:48:44] - Call Fight()
[21:48:44] - Run regenerate.lua!
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Reading "Reg.ini".
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: HP limit: 70
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Mana limit: 70
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Using heals: YES
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Automatic heal selection: YES
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Could not determine a viable heal spell, disabling heal spell use.
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Using food/drink: YES
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Automatic food selection: YES
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Using food: 88379
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: Using drink: 81414
[21:48:44] - [Reg]: No regeneration needed.
[21:48:44] - done regenerate.lua!
[21:48:45] - Bot Thread Stopped!


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